The well-being of a person is closely interconnected with the microclimate in the house where he lives. One of the most important indicators of comfortable conditions is humidity. This problem is often underestimated, and in vain.
Excessive moisture in the air we breathe can adversely affect our health and appearance. In such cases, dehumidifiers help normalize the microclimate.
The danger of high humidity
The optimal indicator for the right microclimate is 40-60%. In such conditions, a person feels good, and the body works in full force. When the indicator increases to 70% and above, dampness occurs.
Fungi are activated and mold appears. The body’s defenses become vulnerable. “Side effects” may occur:
Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system. Disturbed natural heat transfer. If normally we lose 900 mg of fluid per day, then with increased humidity, the body absorbs additional moisture with skin respiration. The load on the heart increases, which is fraught with an increase in blood pressure, arrhythmia and other problems.
Allergic reactions. In such conditions, mold fungi actively multiply. Their spores enter the respiratory tract. But they belong to the category of highly allergenic substances. With weakened immunity, undesirable reactions can occur even in people who have not previously suffered from allergies.
Difficulty breathing. In the zone of particular risk of asthma, as there is a high probability of spasms and / or swelling of the bronchi. The recovery period for colds and rhinitis increases, the runny nose drags on for several weeks.
Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Pathogenic microorganisms feel great with such a microclimate. Once in the body, they are carried with blood to all internal organs and provoke an exacerbation of diseases. Rheumatism, dermatological skin diseases are also activated.
Deterioration of general well-being. Inadequate ventilation leads to stuffiness in the room. The concentration of oxygen decreases and the proportion of carbon dioxide increases. As a result, a person feels fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, decreased performance and attentiveness.
High humidity also negatively affects the appearance. Acne and acne may appear on the face, and skin oilyness increases. Hair in such a microclimate is fluffy, it is problematic to lay them, the hairstyle looks messy.
To correct the situation and take care of their own well-being, without changing their place of residence, household dehumidifiers help.
Why humidity rises
Constant excess of the norm is observed in some regions (coastal areas). The reasons for this phenomenon in the drier climatic zones may be:
- heavy rainfall;
- neighborhood with a bathhouse, pool, sauna;
- ventilation problems
- location of windows to the north side;
- construction defects (poor insulation, basement placement, roof leakage, etc.).
The inhabitants of the apartment, abundantly flooded with water from the neighbors above or during the flood, also need dehumidifiers.
Household dehumidifiers: create a comfortable microclimate
The device costs no more than an air conditioner, and at the same time it copes with high humidity and helps maintain a comfortable microclimate in the house. It can be used continuously or periodically as needed.
Choosing the right model
An important characteristic of a household air dryer is its performance, measured in liters of absorbed moisture per day. The higher the indicator, the faster the drainage occurs, the more the room can “service” the device.
Productivity of household dehumidifiers can range from 10 to 100 liters of condensate per day. Depending on the type of absorption of moisture, varieties are distinguished:
Adsorption. Such dehumidifiers consist of a fan and a desiccant that absorbs liquid. Due to the fan operation, the device heats up, so it is important to use it in cool, damp rooms. As soiling, change filters.
Condensation. The principle of operation is similar to air conditioning. By means of a fan, air enters where it enters the evaporator. Moisture is eliminated, forming condensation, which remains inside the device. The dry stream is fed back into the room.
Assimilation. This dehumidifier provides active ventilation from the street without the need to open windows. The use of this type of device is relevant if the humidity is exceeded only indoors.
Picture Credit: Pixabay